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iBioCycles 2.5


This application facilitates calculation of Bio cycles and shows graph. Application facilitates calculation and graphing of -
1. Primary Biorhythms
2. Secondary Biorhythms
3. I-Ching Biorhythms
4. Intuition cycle

Current version of the application provides textual description of primary rhythm values with single tap inside biorhythm graph. Following are additional features -
-Show bio graphs for 5 to 30 days (apply pinch gesture to change number of days).
⁃Show mid day values from current in text form.
⁃Swap to change the period of the graph.
⁃Show Critical/Risky Days in current view.
-Use Shake Motion Support to display current date.

Impact of bio clock may be different for different people. Some people may be more prone to one type of cycle as others may be less. Don't take decisions based on Bio cycles only, but knowing the fluctuation may help you shape up your working style e.g. for the period when physical energy level is low (charging mode), take enough rest between the activities, in the same way during high physical energy days - try not to over stretch.

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