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See instantly all your apps, at a glance and manage them directly and instantly (launch, share, bookmark, rate, uninstall), a nice time saving app !

You can even launch applications at random from your favorite apps, just experience randomness !

√ Fullscreen launcher
√ See all your apps at a glance
√ Apps listed in alphabetical order by default with your favorite apps listed first
√ Detect at launch when apps list has changed and update itself !

√ single click: launch
√ long click: share, rate in the market, bookmark, hide, see information, uninstall
√ Multiple selection to hide/bookmark/share (useful for recommendations)/batch uninstall !
√ Share all your bookmarked apps
√ Launch one of your application at random
√ Launch at random from your bookmarked apps !
√ Rate an app with predefined custom comments
√ Search on the web for more information
√ Desktop shortcuts for "Favorite apps", "Random favorite app", "Random app"

√ Fullscreen
√ Choose custom background texture or whatever images or translucent background color
√ Custom icon size from tiny
√ Labels & starred icons (favorite apps)

√ Time saving !

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